Saturday, September 02, 2006

Who is we?

"...WE must step into its pace and be the Notion which develops and fills out what is contained in the result. It is through awareness of this completely developed object, which presents itself to consciousness as something that immediately is, that consciousness first becomes explicitly a consciousness that comprehends its object" (pg. 180)

I think, Tom, this is what you were talking about with regard to "us" nudging consciousness along. I think this "we" is the same "us" referred to on the page before: "For us, this object has developed through the movement of consciousness in such a way that consciousness is involved in that development [this involvement I think refers precisely to this 'nudging], and the reflection is the same on both sides, or, there is only one reflection."
In this, the Quantum Leap reading of the Phenomenology, the future of consciousness (us) is always ensuring its own possibility by revisiting its own past development. In short, it is always actively going back and making what is necessary for it itself to exist.
It always seems to step in on one side of a reflection - and this reflection is usually the necessary "doubling" that initiates a dynamic alternation of difference and identity (as you said at the end of your last post). I will try to find more and better examples of this in the future. I know it sounds very speculative.
And, in fact, I am mostly inclined to read this way because of Heidegger: "Yet is the absolute really actual in the Phenomenology of Spirit? If so, then the absolute must be actual before the beginning of the work...Does the problem not become simply the executing and reexecuting of the [Quantum!] leap?" (pg. 149, Lectures on Phenomenology)


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